BC: 1-855-782-5801
AB: 1-888-882-3500
YT: 1-867-668-6096

Products & Services


We offer quality products, to help Canadians get the job done. We provide reliable delivered fuel services in Edmonton, Central Alberta, Northwestern Alberta, and Northwestern British Columbia. We have a reputation of being a reliable supplier, willing to go above and beyond, 24/7/365, to ensure our customers' operations are never impacted by supply related issues.


Our lubricants are formulated to provide maximum protection and extend equipment life so you can improve productivity and reduce costs. We sell our Mobil lubricants in all package sizes and bulk with pick-up locations across our network. Visit the Mobil website, our Product Data Sheet and Safety Data Sheet to learn more.


We sell and rent a broad range of top-tier double-wall fuel tanks from 2,000L to 75,000L. We deliver and recover tanks using our own trailers to ensure timely, and reliable service you can count on. PCPS also has a variety of cardlock dispensing solutions. We also sell quality lube bench tanks for all your commercial storage needs.


Gain 24/7 access to cardlocks across Canada and at participating locations in the United Sates with our Esso Key to the Highway Cardlock Cards. Visit our Esso Cardlock Location Directory to find a location near you.

Used Oil Suck-Outs

Did you know that just one litre of used oil is enough to contaminate one million litres of drinking water?  Here at Peace County Petroleum Sales, we are committed to doing our part in protecting the environment. We provide services to pump out your used oil and dispose of it safely.

Work With Us

We are incredibly proud of our team and their commitment to act with integrity, strive for operational excellence, and go the extra mile for our customers and the communities we serve. If you want to be a part a team that makes a difference, we are looking for you!
Learn More
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